Tree Purchases and Donations

With the help of these generous patrons, we were able to purchase and plant trees throughout the cemetery. Thank you for supporting the beautification of this sacred space.

Landon Dean

Anonymous - In Memory of Laura Crawley

Robert and Beverly Hall

David and Diane Steele

Major Hugh Dinwiddie Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Joann Bush

KDC Investments

CFH Enterprises


Sandra Van Hoy

Nancy Coppaway

Smoot’s Lawn Care

Charlotte Creek Nursery

Ed Wright

Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service

Van Hoy Oil, Inc.

Charles and Victoria Rhodes

Mary Jo and Danny Purtee

Carolyn Myers

Sharon Fort and Sons

Linda Lashbrook and Tom Buckles - In Memory of Bonnie and Ray Buckles

Sarah Ward - In Memory of Susie and Ralph Ward

Terry and Kathleen - In Loving Memory of Dick and Dolly McCormack

Terry and Kathleen - In Loving Memory of Dick and Dolly McCormack